Logistics Materials
eneFAN, partitions and signage design collectively achieve
a comfortable and rich workplace environment.
Business description
We propose “workplace environmental improvements” and “work style reform” for logistics facilities and factories.
"The need to establish a workplace of peak productivity", "the need to create a safe and secure work environment", "the need to upgrade facilities, secure stable employment", and so on...
General affairs, HR sections and executives in logistics facilities and factories face endless challenges.
At Orient Corporation, our response includes the following solutions to solve such issues:
- ■ Large "eneFAN" HVLS fans to help prevent heat stroke and establish a comfortable work environment.
- ■ Upgrading auxiliary facilities with contemporary "Dot & Line" partition products.
- ■ Evacuation guidance and safety signage, to make planning and construction safer and more efficient than ever.
We leverage all the approaches described to support each of our customers, from "reforming work styles" and "improving the workplace environment" to "boosting productivity" and "securing employment."

Product inquiries
Email queries
Please feel free to contact us regarding your products of interest, our after-sales services and more.